
372 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Im in love with your detuned synths. I like the vocal effects.

LD-W responds:

If I can slip any of my designed virus-esq patches into a project, I'll always take the chance to ;)

This is very enjoyable! I especially like the use of percussion and the organ. If possible (I know it's difficult if you're using free/cheap instruments), I suggest working to improve the realism of your virtual performances. That would take the song to the next level.

Petrol4brains responds:

Really glad you liked it! You’re right, the guitar definitely has potential to sound more dynamic, I ignored some features it has for the sake of simplicity but I’ll try to dig in deeper next time I use it!

I like the percussion!

SplatterDash responds:


This is one of the first songs that inspired me to dabble in orchestral music so I still like to listen to it sometimes. I'm happy you republished it :D

From my experience, it's extremely difficult and rare to create a melody that's as moving and powerful as this one. The orchestration is phenomenal, and although the song builds up to the climax in a sense, each second is pleasurable enough to listen to that I'm not waiting for it.

My favorite instruments in the song are the double basses. They provide an earthly vibe and greatly enhance the emotional appeal.

I read the judges' reviews and have to say that I disagree with the criticism that the build up is too long or not stimulating enough. Absolutely no part of the song feels remotely extraneous to me. The comments regarding the chord progression and harmonization confuse me even more because that could kill the song's identity and turn it into something not befitting of the title.

I know a lot of time has passed, but I hope you make more music like this :)

EvilRaccoon responds:

Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it. I really enjoyed making this track back then, the way it evolved,etc.

Unfortunately, the belittling which followed through a horde of PM's from the judge was a testament to the true perspective and what they really thought of me and the music. I haven't spoke to them since, and any time I see their participation, anywhere, I steer clear. It was a toxic amount of negativity.

The song is perfect for the purpose. It sounds so somber.

zybor responds:

Thank you Everratic! Also thanks for stopping by :)

This is very relaxing :D

You perfectly captured the water and futuristic vibes. I love the arpeggiating synths and the transformations of the lead instrument. You created a beautiful atmosphere with all those pads.

The only thing I would suggest is EQ the low-mids of the mid-range instruments such as the piano and suppress any resonant peaks in the mid-high range.

AlbeGian responds:

Thanks Ev! Will have that in mind for next time, glad you liked it!

This is so heartwarming. The animation made me cry, and then the song made me go through that again. Nice job!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you! Had you seen it before? I thought I might have shared it earlier, but perhaps not with you. Good luck in the competition ^ ^

This is amazing! The percussion is awesome.

KevinMueller responds:

Thank you!
I'm happy you enjoyed it. :)

I love the transition at 2:51!

JessieYun responds:

Thanks a bunch, Everratic :D

This is a VGM Challenge review.

I like the double bass (I think) rhythm. The upfront, sharp transient percussion sounds out of place in this ambient orchestral context; furthermore, it's relatively dry to a point of distraction. I like the other percussion a lot; it seems you used string instruments percussively. The song makes me imagine exploring a dungeon in a rpg that takes place in a medieval time. I'm not getting strong Northpeaks vibes, but I suppose this song would indeed work in a dungeon environment in such a game.

I like the eeriness of the flute lines. It helps establish an otherworldly, creepy vibe.

The song lacks a proper intro and outro, and it doesn't seem like it's meant to loop. I would like to hear more sections and development, but this is a good start.

WakerLink responds:

thanks for the feedback man, really appreciate it. Yeah, it does indeed kind of lack intro and outro because it was somewhat rushed due to the fact that I joined the challenge VERY late, so I was mainly trying to get the main idea/feeling down that I had associated with the theme and develop it to make it at least somewhat coherent. Thanks for hosting this challenge, it was pretty damn fun

Hi. I'm an orchestral composer. For commissions and other inquiries, contact me here or at everratc@gmail.com

Age 27

New York

Joined on 10/9/10

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