
372 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Fantastic! And the lyrics are great!

Ceevro responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!

You're an entertaining speaker. and I enjoyed the podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing the upcoming tracks, and reading the judges' reviews, which I learned a lot from in previous years. I'll miss Step's reviews though :(

ChronoNomad responds:

Thanks, BlueOceans! I'm glad that you enjoyed listening. It's also great to hear that you're going to keep up with the NGADM, and I want you to know that I was personally rooting for you. Sticking with your first track may have been a better choice, but hey--who knows? That's the risk of changing tracks midstream.

We all miss Step and his unbelievably in-depth reviews! I did try to convince him to actually enter the contest this year, but he's just way too busy. Such is life.

The intro was too repetitive, and it evoked the hatred that was buried deep within me.

Sequenced responds:

edit 2018: wow I completely missed the blatant sarcasm in your review LOL


Bruh it's a fucking dj intro

Every fucking track on beatport is even more repetitive than this track I garuntee you.

Stop calling it repetitive when it's clearly a dj intro lmao

The sound design is superb! I love the slower drum beat section and the key change at the end. The crashes seemed a bit loud but maybe it's from my headphones. The lyrics are simple, but they sound nice and prominent.

HappyHype responds:

Thanks mate :)

This was one of my favorite tracks of the round. It fits the theme well and it's high in uniqueness.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Why thank you! I was definitely going for uniqueness. That said, the round was full of really great tracks. Like yours! ;)

This depicts a water setting so brilliantly :)
Sadly, I didn't vote on all the tracks and I missed this one, but I would have certainly gave you a 5 :) And I voted 5 here on NG! I love the forefront violin.

zybor responds:

thanks man :)

I commented on this already but I'll say again that I love it. You managed to find a theme that suites your style quite well. I think your piano playing shines in tandem with somber instrumentation.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for commenting again! I listened to maybe 40 themes or so, and picked out three of them. In the end, I decided this was easily the best one for me to work with.
Thanks for the lovely words, hehhe :3

I'm astonished by how emotional this song is, wow!

zybor responds:

I just installed FL 12 :P. Let's do the collab sometime this week.

Thanks again for your review dude.

I'm looking forward to listening to this as I fall asleep. Maybe I'll even listen to it while I'm painting. It's so soothing :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for seemingly having already decided to listen to a long portion of this improv, if not everything :O
I hope you're able to sleep well :3

This is incredibly catchy! I love the part when the lyrics come in. The chimes make the track sound so pretty.

etherealwinds responds:

Thank you very much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it Bluey! :)

Hi. I'm an orchestral composer. For commissions and other inquiries, contact me here or at everratc@gmail.com

Age 27

New York

Joined on 10/9/10

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B/P Bonus:
4m 6d