
529 Audio Reviews

384 w/ Responses

I like the jazzy feel this piece has. The piano playing is splendid. I hope you use piano in this fashion in future pieces.

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks BO! There are quite a few non-tonal chords, which probably explains the jazzy feel (along with the instrumentation). I'm not sure I have a very good piano sample for FL Studio, but I'll certainly work on getting one. Thanks again for the review! :)

This is a relaxing track with some nice novel rhythmic design! I like the violin, what vst did you use?

zybor responds:

Thanks, BlueOceans. :) It was Joshua Bell Violin.

This is really relaxing. I like the unconventional sound design. Nothing feels out of place despite the apparent random selection of instruments. The percussion is very interesting; I'm not sure what some of those light percussion samples are, but they're pretty neat!

TaintedLogic responds:

Thanks so much for the review, BO! I don't know exactly what you mean by "light percussion," but I did put a rather thin-sounding high tom in there to add some texture. Thanks again! Good to see you still make it onto the Grounds in the midst of all this CHIPS madness. ;)

LSD praised this song a lot so I decided to listen to it, and I'm really glad I did! I don't listen to this genre often so it feels very refreshing. I adore the sound design, especially the luscious leads. I have no complaints about any aspect of the piece :)

ChronoNomad responds:

Thank you so much, BlueOceans. That really means a lot, and I feel honored that Lucid's high praise piqued your curiosity! Until McG's recent spate of submissions, I had probably only listened to a handful of Synthwave tracks hereabouts myself, but they all made me want to try my own hand at the genre. Suffice to say, I feel quite validated in the decision.

Luscious leads, you say? Absolutely amazing alliteration, amigo! ^-^

this is great!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:



johnfn responds:


Which vsts did you use for this? I love the sound!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

No VST, it's one of the sounds from my electric piano :)

I really like the use of reverb! The singing isn't bad :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

It is bad though, haha xD

The instruments sound very realistic and expressive! The composition is short but satisfying.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I agree they're quite expressive! I'd like to buy an even more realistic solo violin though o.O
All the money though, ughhhhh
Thank you!

This is really nice. The melodies are somewhat chaotic at times yet don't sound like total noodling. I love the dreamy atmosphere; the reverb on the leads is so luscious. The structure is good; there's sufficient variety in the composition and it never feels repetitive, and the entire track still feels coherent. My only qualm is with the production, but I'm not sure if that's valid since this is a mono track after all.

Possibly responds:

Thanks for the review.

Hi. I'm an orchestral composer. For commissions and other inquiries, contact me here or at everratc@gmail.com

Ralph B. @Everratic

Age 27

New York

Joined on 10/9/10

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B/P Bonus:
5m 17d